Massage Therapist Program
545 Hours/45 Weeks/8-10 Months
Somatherapy Institute School of Massage's Certified Massage Therapist (CMT) program trains students for employment in the field of bodywork and massage. Students will learn to give professional-quality Swedish and Thai massages, aromatherapy, clinical and therapeutic techniques, and so much more! We offer several exciting electives to supplement your education. In addition, the student will learn detailed muscular anatomy and the elements of the business and ethics of massage, whether self-employed or working for others. We highly encourage students to begin the program with our introductory bodywork course, Swedish Massage I.
Class Schedule
We know life is complicated -- but your education doesn't have to be. Somatherapy is proud to offer a flexible evening schedule (5PM-10PM) for most classes in order to allow working individuals to meet their educational goals at their own pace. The average completion time for our CMT program is 7-10 months, however, students have up to 1.5 years to complete the program.
18 years or olde​r
U.S. high school diploma or higher (copy required)
Financial Aid
Somatherapy Institute does not offer traditional financial aid, however, we are partnered with the Employment Development Department (EDD) grant program to provide full or partial tuition assistance to eligible students. To inquire regarding eligibility, please contact us at 760-410-5206. We also offer flexible tuition payment plans -- graduate debt free!
Somatherapy's Certified Massage Therapist (CMT) program is designed to meet all California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC) required prerequisites. Licensing and hiring requirements do vary by city. The student is advised to research the licensing requirements in his or her city.
Contact Admissions Today
760 - 321 - 9214

Program costs vary depending upon the elective classes taken.
Generally the total charge is:
* STRF FEE of $.0005 X tuition is included in this price
**The Massage Therapist educational programs listed above are designed to meet the requirements for certification from the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC.)
On completion of this class, you will have a basic understanding and ability to apply acupressure therapy appropriately. You will gain insight into the philosophical and historical background of acupressure therapy, the effects and clinical applications of acupressure and contraindications and endangerment sites. You will learn general guidelines for giving acupressure including the therapeutic relationships and ethics, setting up the physical environment and elements of performance.
Required text: The Handbook of Chinese Medicine (link found on website under Books and Supplies)
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 40 hours (clock hours)
This is a complete Anatomy & Physiology course for Massage therapists and is designed to help therapists pass the MBLEx licensing exam.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course exams and hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 40 Hours
Prerequisite: Swedish Massage or must take Swedish Massage concurrently.
Aromatherapy is a branch of herbalism that has been used by people for thousands of years to bring about personal and environmental changes. This class teaches a massage that flows with different techniques to bring the essential oils to the face and body. Student will learn basic principles of hydrotherapy and aromatherapy, indications and contraindications.
Required materials for class: Student must bring unscented massage oil, 2 sheets and breast drape 4 hand towels plus other items to be listed in syllabus. Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 16 hours (clock hours)
This course teaches the strategies and tactics of planning and implementing a massage therapy practice and/or business. The ethics portion teaches the students the importance and professional code of behavior that protects the client and the therapist. A broad base of ethical principles is covered including the therapeutic relationship, marketing and general business conduct.
Requirements for completion: Final written exam is required with a 70% passing grade and attendance of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 20 hours (clock hours)
Crania-sacral therapy emphasizes the effect of the flow of cerebrospinal fluid on the movement of the cranium and spine. During the treatment, bones and tissues return to their original positions. These movements can be analyzed by sensitive fingers held on each side of the head, on the sacrum, or limbs. Students will learn to recognize normal and abnormal movement and will learn a sequence of movements designed to normalize cranial-sacral movement, as well as indications and contraindications.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail
Duration: 20 hours (clock hours) Note: This program is available to our curious public.
Cupping is an ancient practice that spans both eastern and western therapies. In this course will learn how to incorporate the cupping into a massage. Students will experience hands on demonstration, and practice. Students should purchase a set of 16 cups in advance of this class and plan on bringing them to class.
The cupping sets (both required) for this class can be purchased on Amazon:
Kangzhu-Biomagnetic-Chinese-Cupping-Therapy (24)
Students are responsible for purchasing a set of at least 24 cups with pump and 4 silicon cups and bring them to each class. Students will need to sign special waiver for giving and receiving cupping in this course.
Register early – class fills up and space is limited.
Requirements for completion: Completion of all written and practical exams. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 16 Hours.
Prerequisite: Swedish Massage
This course trains a therapist to administer more pressure for the client to provide a therapeutic massage. The class will assume a working knowledge of anatomy, but will provide a regimen for therapists to follow the basic techniques and body mechanics required to provide the client with an overall body massage that goes beyond a firm Swedish massage.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Prerequisite: Swedish Massage and Kinesiology
This class teachers techniques to release the connective tissue involved in hyper-contracted tissues plus appropriate stretches to help the muscles return to their resting length. Contraindications, how to work with acute and chronic conditions, postures associated with biomechanical dysfunctions, muscle memory and emotional release.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 36 hours (clock hours) 32 classroom and 4 clinic
This course covers the most common ways disease is spread, proper precautions to be adhered to, including proper handling of massage equipment. Students will receive handouts and homework assignments.
Requirements for completion: Final written exam is required and a 70% passing grade and attendance of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 14 hours (clock hours)
The course introduces the use of heat therapy with hot stones. The student will learn to perform a 60 or 90 minute Hot Stone Treatment with ease and confidence. The instructor addresses indications and contraindications of heat. This course covers the safe use of stones and adherence to all guidelines mandated by our massage therapy liability insurance through Associated Body Work and Massage Professionals. The course also teaches sanitation to prevent cross-contamination between clients.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 16 hours (clock hours)
Kinesiology is the science of human movement. It is a health profession that focuses on physical activity. The student learns to apply science-based medical principles to the analysis, preservation and enhancement of human movement in therapeutic massage technique. Basic understanding of the anatomy of the human body is taught. Students will learn to identify the origin, insertion and actions of 120 muscles studied, as well as how to locate them by palpation.
Requirements for completion: Class quizzes and a palpation examination must be passed in addition to completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 48 hours (clock hours)
Inspired by the Sacred Lomi Lomi, this treatment teaches the Lomi Lomi technique that encompasses a dance using forearms, palms and elbows in a very flowing, nurturing and honoring way. Multiple areas of the body are massaged at once causing the mind to relax. The technique has a therapeutic effect to the client.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 16 hours (clock hours)
Lymph drainage is a technical modality based on changes that take place in the vascular system of the body. Lymph drainage is an important modality recognized by many health practitioners. This course teaches detailed neck and face massage, indications and contraindications, physiology of the lymphatic system and health and safety issues Students will learn lymph drainage massage techniques for the face, neck and body plus an introduction to the physiology of the lymphatic system.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 24 hours (clock hours)
Myofascial release is a form of soft tissue therapy. In this class you will be taught how to release the connective tissue that surrounds, invests, and protects all the visceral and somatic structures of the increase circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail
Duration: 32 hours (clock hours)
This course works with the understanding of and indications for massage and bodywork methods. Students will learn to identify and understand contraindications for massage and bodywork methods. This course includes taking a basic health history. Course includes documenting client records appropriately and accurately and understanding general pathological processes and causes. Students also learn when and to whom to refer clients with pathology, how to adjust their massage or bodywork methods according to pathology and finally how to work with medical and other healthcare professionals.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 40 hours (clock hours)
Polarity is the study of the body's energetic needs and theory. This class teaches the full session of Sattvic Therapy that relaxes, calms and rejuvenates the nervous system, thus allowing the body/mind to enter deep states of natural healing. Course also serves as an introduction to the Polarity Back treatment using ankle points to relax and energetically realign the lower back, releasing tension and pain along the spine. Exploration of concepts includes the 3 Principles, five-element theory, and energetic anatomy.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 40 hours (clock hours)
A natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet, hands and ears and referral areas within zones that correspond to every part, gland and organ of the body. The student will learn corresponding pressure points located in the feet, hands and ears. The student will be able to incorporate the techniques either as a separate modality or as an adjunct to most massage therapy treatments.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail
Duration: 20 hours (clock hours)
All massage therapists, at one time or another, will need to give a massage to a special population client. This course covers four populations: Pre-Natal, Geriatric, Cancer and HIV/AIDS. Anatomy and Pathology of each of these groups is discussed such that the therapists will be able to adapt their massage techniques to the unique needs of their special population clients. For each group students are taught key safety and contraindications, and professional considerations.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 16 hours (clock hours)
Prerequisite: Kinesiology and Swedish Massage
Stretching is an integral part of keeping the body healthy and mobile. This course teaches students to stretch a variety of active people. The principles and techniques of stretching, flexibility and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) will be taught.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 40 hours (clock hours)
Students learn to give a cohesive, one-hour Swedish massage, using the strokes of the Swedish repertoire. Students will also learn contraindications and indications, basic muscular anatomy, and introduction to business and ethics. The class consists of 60 hours of hands-on training plus 75 hours of mandatory clinic.
Requirements for completion: At the end of this class the student will give a final massage for a grade. To successfully complete this class, students must achieve a grade of 70% or better with the hands-on practical exam. Student must also have completed all hours for this course and fulfill his or her 75 hours internship in the Somatherapy student clinic.
Duration: 135 hours (clock hours)
Thai Massage is one of the ancient healing arts of traditional Thai medicine. In this class, students will learn the complex sequence soft tissue pressing, stretching, twisting and joint manipulation on a massage table. This is a combination of yoga stretching, calmness and meditation, acupressure and reflexology. It stimulates the muscle, joints, bones, nerves, ligament and lymphatic system. Students will receive illustrated handouts.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 40 hours (clock hours)
This class is designed to teach students about the various practice settings and career paths available to massage therapists, from spa and wellness environments to medical and clinical practices. This course also covers the evolution of integrating massage into health and wellness, professional conduct and record keeping, ethics and conduct. Students will learn postural analysis and beginning assessment techniques and chair massage. Students will learn to incorporate these techniques and the knowledge from this course into their core massage practice.
Requirements for completion: Instructor evaluation of the techniques learned and completion of all course hours. Pass/Fail.
Duration: 20 hours (clock hours)